Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New Life

I feel incredibly blessed by the last year, for the amazing people I have met and for the hope of the future they carry in their hope, ambitions, intelligence, and amazing laughter.  As I return to my world of the military, I see in many of these folks the same hope, ambitions, intelligence and laughter.  I also recognize the pain of some who have experienced the terror and inhumanity of war.  I recognize it in their face as we sit awaiting our turn to receive gear, to have our photo taken.  I see their humanity strongly present, refusing to give in to the inhumanity they have witnessed. The struggle to keep it in check is more severe some days and not so on others.  These too are incredible men and women.
I feel as though I am a bridge.  In the same way that so many at Kroc had questions and misimpressions of the military, so the stream flows the other way, though not as strongly.  Another blessing, to live in both worlds; to value both worlds; and, if persistent, to be a part in building a bridge between both worlds.  The world in which we live needs this bridge.